St. Matthew Catholic School
KINDERGARTEN Grade Level Expectations
These are the core grade level expectations based on the McRel standards and benchmarks that should be taught during kindergarten and represent what a student will learn. They are written from the student point of view. These grade level expectations are aligned with McRel standards and the standards-based progress report. The number listed is in reference to McRel 3rd edition; the number listed for Religion standard is in reference to By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them, Lorraine Ozar. Not all standards are addressed at every grade level which is appropriate considering a student’s development.
Reads, interprets, and applies Scripture to life.
• Relates the events of everyday life to the biblical stories of Jesus
• Recognizes that God’s special book is the Bible
• Participates in discussion*
Illustrates basic understanding of Catholic dogma and doctrine in light of the “Catechism for the Catholic Church.”
• Increases knowledge about God and one’s friendship with Jesus
• Recognizes the members of the Holy Family
• Understands that Mary is the Mother of Jesus and also our mother
• Recognizes that the church is God’s family; God is Creator and a loving parent.
Makes moral decisions consistent with Church teachings.
• Recognizes the differences between right and wrong
Acknowledges and affirms the diverse cultural expressions of Catholicism.
• Recognizes that God made each person different and that our differences make each of us special and unique
Applies Catholic principles to interpersonal relations (e.g., family, peers, work, society, Church, etc.)
• Practices Christian action toward others*
• Is willing to help*
•Critiques societal structures in light of Catholic social justice principles and apply to social and personal situations.
• Practices Christian action toward others*
• Recognizes the many gifts, talents and abilities that God has provided each of us and that it is important to take care of one’s body.
• Recognizes that God’s gift of being created as a boy or a girl is special and good
Engages in service to the community (e.g., family, parish, local, national and global) in response to the Gospel call.
• Practices Christian action toward others*
Exercises responsible stewardship for the gift of creation.
• Practices Christian action toward others*
• Understands that the five senses help one to appreciate and experience a sense of joy and wonder of God’s creation
• Understands that being a good steward means caring for and not harming animals and plants that are part of God’s creation
Uses a variety of prayer forms (e.g., traditional, spontaneous, devotional, multicultural) to enrich and express personal and communal spirituality.
• Experiences a sense of joy, wonder, and discovery in prayer, work and play
• Develops a sense of prayer and celebration of God’s gifts.
• Recognizes that prayer is a special way to talk to God
• Can recite and use the designated prayers and gestures; Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary and Grace Before Meals* and other prayers of cultural/liturgical significance as designated.
Demonstrates an understanding of liturgical seasons and feasts.
• Increases knowledge of Church’s liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter
• Understands that the church year celebrates the life of Jesus and includes special days to honor Mary and other holy people